Wednesday, October 10, 2007

An Introduction to the Foundation

Catholics have rights in their Church just as they have rights under the federal and state constitutions here in the United States. Some of their rights in the Church, including the right of assembly, the right of petition, the right of free association, the right to privacy and reputation and the right to due process correspond to their civil rights. Other rights, especially the right to know the truth about God and His Church, the right to the spiritual goods of the Church and the right to worship according to the norms established by lawful authority have no counterparts in civil law.

The Saint Joseph Foundation serves Catholics who seek to know and vindicate their rights within the Church - rights that the Church herself recognizes and protects. Whenever individuals or groups believe their rights are threatened or have been violated, the Foundation assists them in using the means established by the Church to obtain remedies.

The Saint Joseph Foundation is an Association of the Christian Faithful established under canon 215 of the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church. It is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas. An Association of the Christian Faithful may exist either with or without ecclesiastical recognition. To preserve its independence and objectivity in advising Catholics of their rights within the Church, the Foundation has chosen not to seek ecclesiastical recognition. The opinions expressed on this web site are those of the individual writers, all of whom are Catholics in good standing who strive to conform to the teaching and laws of the Church. The Saint Joseph Foundation does not speak in the name of the Church.